Sunday 3 August 2014

Why is it that....

EWhen you put men in charge they get it wrong?  Yesterday on the way up we decided to get a takeaway coffee n bun and have it in the car whilst waiting for Sirs mate to join us.... 

Not that far to the car but on the way the heavens opened.... Monsoon weather!! Sir had decided to take charge of the buns and a few other bits and I carried the coffees.... Stood one cup on the lid of the other.... to open the car door.... Top cup tipped....

There is now part of my anatomy that can't stand its usual hold in place underwear because there's a blister where no self respecting blister should be!  Not telling you what the lads said.. suffice to say it had something to do with robins, ice packs and bluetits!!  Aren't men 'orrible?!?

Anyhow, I'm now sitting outside a cafe in Hawes with a coffee and a scone and sir better not get his socks wet coz mine got  brought instead of his spare ones! Serve him right if he did!! Vbg! Off back to tat in a minute!!

Chat soon!

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